Meet our Influencers

Sonia Sélaire

I appreciate the great freedom this programme gives me, I choose the products I want to talk about, nothing is imposed. I feel supported and advised by the team running the programme. They are there when I have any questions. We are guided, advised and never ordered, which is great because I feel supported.

Sonia Sélaire @soniaselaire

What inspired you to become an Influencer?

I was a make-up artist when I started on the Networks, which was just under 10 years ago. Necessity being the law, I needed a digital CV to approach potential new clients, so I started posting videos and photos on my social networks (Youtube and Instagram).

According to you, what kind of content works on (X platform)?

We are all trying to penetrate the impenetrable ways of the mysterious algorithms. But the truth is that if there was a recipe, it would be known! Youtube has become a real alternative to television and I think that it is content that is longer than 10 minutes that attracts the most attention. Short formats are more geared towards platforms such as Instagram and Tik-tok.

What are your 3 top tips to become successful?

Authenticity. Tenacity. Resilience. Authenticity because this is what will best unite an engaged audience. Tenacity because it can take a long time to make a living from networking. You have to hold on and not give up. And finally, it takes a lot of resilience to deal with online hate.

Name 3 content creators who inspire you.

Currently, Angie from the Hot and Flashy channel. It perfectly combines expertise and futility, without any headaches. She talks about everything in a very simple, direct and professional way. Lydia Elise Millen because she has been able to evolve her channel into a lifestyle channel and that’s what I’m thinking of doing too. When I started out, I really liked Pixiwoo, which really democratised make-up tutorials.

Do you have any favourite content that you’ve uploaded?

It’s a video that took me 15 days to make. It was a kind of dystopia about female beauty youtubers and what they might have said or done over the decades if they had existed since the 1920s.

Which Amazon product/brand/category would you recommend or do you feature the most and why?

My area of expertise is Beauty, so I talk a lot about skin care and make-up. Since last year I have been offering content that is a little more fashion-oriented. I am trying to broaden the scope of my sharing themes and my community is quite receptive. This encourages me to continue and persevere on this path.

If you could ask another content creator one question what would that be? Now let us ask you this question!

The question: Have you ever felt like giving up?
My response: Yes, at least once every week!

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