Affiliate Marketing

How to add an Amazon Music Playlist Widget

Martin Trauzold
Last updated September 6, 20195 Min Read

Exciting news! You can now add a playlist widget directly into your content while earning an Amazon Music Unlimited bounty for every qualifying sign-up you drive through it.

There are more than 50 million songs and thousands of playlists on the Amazon Music webplayer to choose from (unfortunately the widget is not available for personal made playlists) to align with relevant content you are already creating or to serve as inspiration for a new story.

Once you embed the Amazon Music playlist widget (see instructions below), your readers will be able to sample within the list by clicking on the song(s) of their choice. They will remain on your site while sampling the songs from the Amazon Music Unlimited playlists.

However, should your reader decide to click through on the song title, or on any of the links within the widget, they will be directed to the Amazon Music webplayer and guided through an upsell experience to sign up for Amazon Music Unlimited. In return, you can earn bounty for every eligible sign up driven from the playlist embedded in your content.

Note: You do not need an Amazon Music Unlimited account to integrate the embeddable playlist widget on your website. You can search for pre-made playlists / albums / songs in the Amazon Music web player without logging in.

You can also navigate to the web player via by searching Amazon Music Unlimited in the search bar and clicking on „Open Web Player“ located on the right hand side. Please note if you do not have an Amazon Music Unlimited subscription, you will need to be logged out of your Amazon account to access the web player to search for playists / songs / albums.


The playlist widget will allow your readers to sample songs from featured Amazon Music Unlimited playlists / albums / songs directly relevant to the content that they are already reading.


A great way to add dimension to your content while monetizing it. It will allow you to include the new and exciting content that Amazon Music Unlimited is constantly creating and adding for our customers. For example, if you have an evergreen article on the Top Songs of 2020, you can easily embed the Amazon Music Unlimited Top Songs of 2020 playlist from Amazon Music and provide exciting content for your readers! Additionally, you earn a £4.50 bounty for each eligible Amazon Music Unlimited sign-up.


To embed the Amazon Music playlist widget in your content, follow the steps below:

1) First of all please ensure that you are signed out of your amazon account. Next click here and then click on “Open Web Player”.

2) Find the pre-made Amazon Music Unlimited playlist / album / song you would like to embed via webplayer:

3) Navigate to the playlist detail page and click the ‘Share Icon’ on the playlist landing page:

3) A ‘Share this playlist’ dialog opens. Click the ‘Embed button’ to generate and copy the embeddable i code:

4) Add your Associates tag to the i code:

<i id=’AmazonMusicEmbedB07WWHZ4J2′ src=’’ width=’100%’ height=’550px’ style=’border:1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);max-width:’></i>

5) Test functionality embedded on your page directly:

If you choose not to integrate the widget, you can also search for a suitable playlist / album / song on and use SiteStripe (please make sure you are logged into your associates account) to create a corresponding associates link. You can then integrate the link into your content.

You can find more information about the Amazon Music Unlimited bounty here.