Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about account settings, earning commissions, Amazon Influencer Program tools, and more.

The Amazon Influencer Program allows you to get your own presence on Amazon, which you can customise and curate with products you recommend in your videos on YouTube or pictures on Instagram. We also give you a special vanity URL (Amazon.co.uk/shop/influencerhandle), which allows you to promote your Amazon presence verbally to your followers. When customers visit your page and shop on Amazon, you get compensated for purchases in a similar fashion as you would with the Amazon Affiliate program. You can now send your followers to shop your favourite products in one place with their trusted e-commerce leader.

The Amazon Influencer Program is an extension to the existing online Affiliate programme for qualifying social media influencers. You get similar benefits to the online Affiliate programme, including reporting and online account management. With the Amazon Influencer Program, you also get your own page on Amazon with a URL to showcase the products you recommend to your followers, giving you an additional way to direct traffic to Amazon, which is especially useful when promoted verbally or in an environment where hyper-linking is not possible (e.g. Instagram captions).

Anytime you share an affiliate link, it’s important to disclose that to your audience.  They will trust you more if you are transparent about where you are directing them and why.  To meet the Associate Program’s requirements, you must (1) include a legally compliant disclosure with your links and (2) identify yourself on your Site as an Amazon Associate with the language required by the Operating Agreement.

To comply with the applicable laws regulations, your link-level disclosure must be:

  1. Clear.  A clear disclosure could be as simple as “(paid link)”, “#ad”, or “#CommissionsEarned”.
  2. Conspicuous.  It should be placed near any affiliate link or product review in a location that customers will notice easily.  They shouldn’t have to hunt for it.

In addition, the Operating Agreement requires that the following statement clearly and conspicuously appears on your Site:  “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”  For social media user-generated content, this statement must be associated with your account.

Associates should also consider the relevant social media platform’s guidelines.  For example, Associates may use Facebook’s Branded Content tool.

For more information, see https://www.asa.org.uk/advice-online/affiliate-marketing.html#image and https://competitionandmarkets.blog.gov.uk/2019/04/30/influencer-marketing-what-you-need-to-know/

Learn more about signing up for the Amazon Influencer Program here.

  1. Visit the User Management page in your Associates Central account to confirm the email address shown is correct.
  2. Click on the top tab marked “Add Users” then enter your new email address.
  3. Click on the “Select Access Level” drop-down menu and choose the desired access level.
  4. Complete the captcha authentication, and hit the “Submit” button.
  5. Before you leave make sure you log out.
  6. Click on the link sent to your updated email address
  7. Follow the prompts to log into Associates Central, and confirm you see your correct, updated email on the user management page.

Log into Associates Central here: https://affiliate-program.Amazon.co.uk and you will see your Store ID in the upper right corner of your screen. Your EU Store ID will end in -21 (Ex: amazon-21).

You may see a Store ID when logged into your account on Associates Central at the top right that begins with “onamz.” This Store ID was created by Amazon on your behalf for earning Onsite Commissions. You should continue to use the same Store IDs you have been using when driving traffic to Amazon. The new Store ID does not affect your influencer commission rates for traffic that you send to your storefront or to other pages on Amazon. Learn more about Earning Onsite Commissions.

We are unable to change your Store ID. Please note that our software automatically adds “-20” to the end of all Store IDs. If you would like a different tracking ID to appear in your links, please visit Manage your Tracking IDs to create tracking IDs for your Influencer account. If using tracking IDs doesn’t address your situation, then please contact our customer service.

You may see a Store ID when logged into your account on Associates Central at the top right that begins with “onamz.” This Store ID was created by Amazon on your behalf for earning Onsite Commissions. You should continue to use the same Store IDs you have been using when driving traffic to Amazon. The new Store ID does not affect your influencer commission rates for traffic that you send to your storefront or to other pages on Amazon. No action is required from you at this time.

Learn more about Earning Onsite Commissions.

Your unique vanity URL is auto-generated based on the social media handle that qualifies you for the program. The vanity URL cannot be changed, unless:

Your YouTube channel name changes OR you have an account on another social media platform (such as Instagram) where you have higher following than on YouTube (and you wish to change your handle to match the name of that account)

If you’d like to submit a request to change your vanity URL based on one of the two above reasons, please click here to get to the contact form.

Select ‘Amazon Influencer Program’ in the drop-down and include information on new handle and the reason why your vanity URL needs to be changed (e.g. “My YouTube channel name changed”) in the ‘Comments’ area. Please include as much detail as possible. All requests are reviewed manually and will be processed in the order they were received.

As a member of the Amazon Influencer Program, you are registered to receive occasional e-mail messages. From time to time, we will send you messages about important changes to the Influencer Program, tips to help you earn more money, and special deals to which you’re entitled.
Please note that your influencer email preferences are tied to your Amazon.co.uk username and password rather than your Influencer store. Any changes you make on this page will apply to all stores for which you are a primary or secondary contact.

Email is the number one place to stay informed about program developments. We’ve set up strategic email lists to share important news and helpful tips.• First things first, make sure we have your current email in your Associates Central account.

  • Visit the user management page in your Associates Central account to confirm the email address shown is correct.
  • If not, follow these steps to update:
  • Click on the top tab marked Add Users then enter your new email address (screen shot below).
  • Click on the Select Access Level drop-down menu and choose the desired access level.
  • Complete the captcha authentication, and hit the Submit button.
  • Before you leave make sure you log out.
  • Click on the link sent to your updated email address, follow the prompts to log into Associates Central, and confirm you see your correct, updated email on the user management page.

Now you’re automatically subscribed to the Network Updates list but you have several other options as well. Be sure to subscribe to “Amazon Influencer Newsletter” and “Amazon Influencer Program Promotions” to receive our Influencer newsletter and other important program updates. Just visit the email preference centre in your Associates Central account to subscribe, unsubscribe—and even resubscribe—to any and all lists to help you earn more as an Influencer.

Only the Full Access user (account holder) can add/remove users and re-assign user roles to the account.

To add a new user

  1. Log into Amazon Associates Central.
  2. Hover over your email address and click on Account Settings.
  3. Click on “Manage Account Users” to navigate to the Manage Users page.
  4. Click on “Add Users”.
  5. Enter the email address for which you want to grant access to your account, and select the access level in the drop down menu. Click the “Submit” button.
  6. An invitation email will be sent to the email address you entered above with instructions to sign up and join your account. The email recipient will have 48 hours to sign up before the link expires.
  7. If the recipient has not taken action within 48 hours, the link will expire and you will need to send a new invitation to them by repeating the steps above.

To remove an existing user:

  1. Log into Amazon Associates Central.
  2. Hover over your email address and click on Account Settings.
  3. Click on “Manage Account Users” to navigate to the Manage Users page.
  4. Click on “Current Users”.
  5. Select the delete box next to the email address(es) that you no longer wish to have on your account.
  6. Click “Save Changes” to confirm.

To re-assign user roles:

  1. Associates Central.
  2. Hover over your email address and click on Account Settings.
  3. Click on “Manage Account Users” to navigate to the Manage Users page.
  4. Click on “Current Users”.
  5. Search for the email address(es) for which you want to change roles. Select the desired user role from the drop-down menu next to the email address(es).
  6. Click “Save Changes” to confirm.

These 3 roles have different levels of access on your Associates Central account. The options are:

Full Access (previously Primary): The Full Access user is the main account holder (one per account). This user role has access to all parts of Associates Central (AC) and can edit payee information, select a payment plan and payment method, and approve new users’ access to the account. In addition, this user receives high-priority emails regarding the Affiliate programme. Therefore, the e-mail address for this role should be checked regularly.

Reports Access (previously Secondary): The Reports Access user role has access to reports, in addition to all the AC features that the Basic role can access. This user role does not have access to payee information, payment plans/method, and user management.

Basic Access (new): This user role has the most restrictive access permissions in Associates Central, with access to content ideas, link creation tools, help and resource centre pages. This role does not have access to Reports.

How do I update my tax information?

Log in to Amazon Associates Central

  1. Click on your email in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Click “Account Settings”.
  3. Scroll down to View/Provide Tax Information.
  4. Your Current Tax Status will be displayed.

You will be asked to complete the interview or click on Change your Tax Information to review or update specific tax information.

Visit Associate Central for more information about commissions and payments.

What is Mobile GetLink?
The new Mobile GetLink feature allows Amazon Affiliates to create affiliate links to product detail pages from the Amazon shopping app from mobile devices. With Mobile GetLink, influencers do not have to visit Associates Central to create affiliate links and do not have to rely on desktop link creation.

Where can I find Mobile GetLink?
Mobile GetLink is located in the Amazon mobile shopping app. Download the app and log in with your Amazon Affiliate account credentials. Then go to any product page, click the ‘Share’ floating button, and you’ll find the ‘Copy Affiliate Link.’

How do I activate Mobile GetLink?
Mobile GetLink is automatically enabled in the Amazon shopping app when you log in using your Amazon Influencer account credentials.

How do I choose which link to create if I have multiple TrackingIDs and/or StoreIDs?
When you click the ‘Share’ button, you will see your available StoreIDs and TrackingIDs above the ‘Copy Affiliate Link’ button. From there you can scroll to select the StoreID and/or TrackingID you wish to use.

Can I create links for pages other than product detail pages?
Mobile GetLink is currently available only for product detail pages.

Is the Mobile GetLink feature available within the Share button for all product categories?
The feature is available for most product categories *except* these five: eBooks, audible, digital magazines, digital music, and luxury stores.

What countries is Mobile GetLink available in?
Mobile GetLink is available in all Amazon’s online stores except for China.

Which mobile platforms is Mobile GetLink available on?
Mobile GetLink is available on iPhones and Android phones.

Read more about Mobile GetLink here or watch a short video here.

SiteStripe feature allows you to create links directly from the Amazon.co.uk site without having to visit Associates Central. It lets you build links to any page on Amazon, and even share those links on Facebook or Twitter. It also has handy short-cuts to some other useful Affiliate pages.

Read more about SiteStripe here or watch a short video here.

Many influencers want to promote multiple links, such as their Amazon storefront, a blog, website, or other affiliate links. We’d recommend using a link tool such as Linktree that allows you to house all of your links in one place and makes it easy for your followers to find what they’re looking for.

With tracking IDs, Influencers can analyse the performance of various Web sites or merchandising strategies while accumulating earnings under a single Affiliate ID. For example, Associate storeid-20 might use the tracking ID storeid-1-20 to track referrals from his Web site, and storeid-2-21 to track referrals from his newsletter. Each ID would generate earnings for his Influencer account storeid-20. He can view earnings for all tracking IDs taken together, or generate reports for each tracking ID individually.

If you would like to create tracking IDs for your Influencer account, please visit your account and click on “Manage your Tracking ID” link. We have added several features to the site to help Influencers who use tracking IDs analyse their performance and build custom links. You will:

Get results faster. The Tracking ID Summary Report now includes data for only those tracking IDs that have activity in the requested time period, making it easier to read and faster to load.

Analyze performance more easily. Reports for Influencer accounts now include the tracking ID for each transaction. Get all the data you need in a single download instead of generating a report for each tracking ID.

Save time while building links. You can change the tracking ID to be used in the resulting code at any time while you’re building links. This increases your flexibility and eliminates the need for you to repeat steps.

To create multiple tracking IDs so you can analyse traffic from different Web sites or merchandising strategies, visit your account and click on ‘Manage your Tracking ID‘. Once they have been created, you will be able to see data on each ID in your Tracking ID Summary Report.

Please note that there is a limit of 100 Tracking IDs per associate account. If you have further requirements, please contact Affiliate Customer Service.

We understand your concern, but rest assured that it is not necessary for your unique ID to appear in order for us to track sales made after the initial click through. The individual shopping session will be tagged in a way that allows us to track the items purchased and credit you with the appropriate commission.

  1. Open the Amazon mobile shopping app.
  2. Make sure you are logged into the Amazon account you used to sign up for the Amazon Influencer Program.
  3. Tap the person icon in the bottom navigation.
  4. Scroll to the ‘Your Account’ section.
  5. Tap the ‘Your Storefront’ button to go to your storefront.

Do not include the name of any social media network in your storefront name. For example, “Jen’s Facebook Finds” is not allowed, and should be changed to “Jen’s Viral Finds” or similar.

Do not use Amazon or other Amazon trademarks in your storefront name. For example, “Jen’s Amazon Finds” is not allowed, and should be changed to “Jen’s Favourite Finds” or similar.

Please view our Trademark Guidelines here.

As an influencer, leveraging social media is essential for engaging with your followers and driving traffic to your influencer storefront. Your audience looks to you for the best product recommendations and quality content, so it’s important to share your page (www.Amazon.co.uk/shop/yourhandle) and product links in ways that optimise each platform and adhere to disclosure requirements.

Read our tips on sharing your Amazon influencer storefront for each social channel to maximise visibility here.

There are two ways to add products to your storefront.

  1. Search within the edit Idea List page
    • Login to Amazon.co.uk with the e-mail you used to join the Influencer Program.
    • Type your vanity URL into your browser (Amazon.co.uk/shop/yourhandle).
    • In the private view of your storefront, click on the Idea List you’d like to add products to.
    • Type in the search bar in the blue box the product you’d like to add.
    • Click the + in the upper left corner to add the product to your list.
  2. Search for any product on Amazon.co.uk and add from the product detail page
    • Once you are on the product page, click on the ‘Add to List’ dropdown (located on the right, under Add to Cart) and select the Idea List you would like to add the product to.

You can do this from your desktop, mobile web or in the Amazon app.

To delete a product from your Idea List, click “Edit List” then the ‘X” in the upper left corner.

To delete your entire idea list, click “Edit List”, then click the pencil icon next to your list description, then click “Delete list”.

To learn more, review our “Use Idea Lists to categorise your storefront” article.


You can add comments to the products in your Idea Lists to help explain to your followers what you love about them.

  1. Login to Amazon.co.uk and type in your vanity URL (Amazon.co.uk/shop/yourhandle) to go to the private view of your storefront.
  2. Click on the Idea List to view the products you’d like to add comments to.
  3. Click “Edit List”
  4. Click on the Idea List you want to edit.
  5. Click on the speech bubble in the upper right corner of the product.
  6. Type in your comment and hit save. (140 character limit)

To learn more, review our “Use Idea Lists to categorise your storefront” article.

How to upload your Shoppable Photo

From Amazon’s Shopping App:

Sign in to Amazon’s Shopping App using the e-mail address associated with your Influencer account.

  • Open the Amazon shopping app.
  • Tap the icon on the bottom navigation bar that looks like a person.
  • Scroll to the ‘Your Account’ section (Note: You must be logged into the Amazon account you used to sign up for the Amazon Influencer Program)
  • Tap the ‘Create Content’ button to publish a Shoppable Post (video or photo)or Idea List.
  • Tap ‘Post (video and photo)’.
  • Choose ‘Photo Library’ to upload a photo or ‘Take photo’ to take a new photo.
  • Preview your photo, confirm your choice to begin upload, and then select ‘Next’.
  • Tag up to 15 products featured in your photo.
  • Use your idea lists, order history, browse history or search Amazon to find products to tag in your photo.
  • Tag a product by tapping on the check box on the top right of the image. Change the colour or version of the product you are tagging by tapping on the image and using the buttons under the product image. Once you have the right one, tag it by tapping on the check box on the top right of the image.
  • To remove a tagged product, tap the check box to uncheck it or tap on the tag icon on the bottom right, select the product you want to untag, and tap on the ‘x’.
  • Once you are done tagging all of your products tap ‘Done’ on the top right. You can always go back and tag more products by tapping the ‘+’ sign on the Edit post screen.
  • Write a caption (just below the photo).
  • Tap ‘Submit post’ to publish your Shoppable Photo.

From desktop:

Sign in using the e-mail address associated with your Influencer account and go to your storefront (e.g. Amazon.co.uk/shop/yourhandle).

  • Click ‘Create Content’.
  • Click ‘Shoppable photo’.
  • Click ‘Upload photo’.
  • Upload your photo (up to 10MB) and add a description.
  • Tag up to 15 products featured in your photo by clicking on the ‘+’ sign next to your photo.
  • Use your idea lists, order history, browse history or search Amazon to find products to tag in your photo.
  • Tag a product by clicking on the check box on the top right of the image.
  • Change the colour or version of the product you are tagging by clicking on the image and using the buttons under the product image. Once you have the right one, tag it by clicking on the check box on the top right of the image.
  • To remove a tagged product, click the check box to uncheck it.
  • Once you are done tagging all of your products click ‘Done’ on the top right.
  • You can always go back and tag more products by selecting the ‘+’ sign on the Create Post screen.
  • Write a caption (to the right of the photo).
  • Click ‘Submit post’ to publish your Shoppable Photo.

Learn more about creating Shoppable Photos here.

Your storefront already looks great with the new layout. It has been automatically updated- no work required from you. All of the content you have created is still there. Your audience can still take the same actions.

The new Storefront design makes it visually appealing to customers and seamless for you to post new content.

a. Mobile-friendly: Storefront layouts are now mobile friendly with a scrollable feed. We have introduced a new section where all your posts are displayed in the order of date posted, regardless of content type (List, Photo, Video).

b. Storefront editing: Uploading and editing content is easier than ever with our new streamlined experience.

You can continue to post the same content types in your new Storefront as you could post in the old Storefront.

a) US (only): You can add groups of products in lists, photos with products tagged to them, as well as both live and on-demand videos with products tagged to each.

b) UK and IN: You can add groups of products in lists and photos with products tagged to them.

c) CA, DE, ES, FR, IT: You can add groups of products in lists

You can customise your bio section which includes a background image, profile image, a few sentences about who you are and what you do as well as links to your social channels. Similar to the old Storefront, you can also add shoppable content like photos and videos (US only) and lists, recommending products in a way that is unique to you.

No, all content uploaded to your storefront must be associated with at least one Amazon product.

No, aside from your social handles all content on the influencer storefronts links to within Amazon.

All of your content on your storefront as well as your storefront itself are sharable and you can easily generate links right from the storefront. We include a share button within each piece of content that you can use to share to Twitter, FB, Pinterest or just grab a quick link for your emails or other posts.

The last Idea List you edit will be automatically placed as the top Idea List on your storefront. If you want a particular Idea List to appear at the top, make a small change and hit ‘Save Changes’.

There are two ways to add products to your storefront.

  1. Search within the edit Idea List page
    • Login to Amazon.co.uk with the e-mail you used to join the Influencer Programme.
    • Type your vanity URL into your browser (amazon.co.uk/shop/yourhandle).
    • In the private view of your storefront, click on the Idea List you’d like to add products to.
    • Type in the search bar in the blue box the product you’d like to add.
    • Click the + in the upper left corner to add the product to your list.
  2. Search for any product on Amazon.co.uk and add from the product detail page
    • Once you are on the product page, click on the ‘Add to List’ dropdown (located on the right, under Add to Cart) and select the Idea List you would like to add the product to.

You can do this from your desktop, mobile web or in the Amazon app.

To delete a product from your Idea List, click “Edit List” then the “X” in the upper left corner.

To delete your entire idea list, click “Edit List,” then click the pencil icon next to your list description, then click “Delete list”.

To learn more, review our “Use Idea Lists to categorise your storefront” article.

You can add comments to the products in your Idea Lists to help explain to your followers what you love about them.

  1. Login to Amazon.co.uk and type in your vanity URL (amazon.co.uk/shop/yourhandle) to go to the private view of your storefront.
  2. Click on the Idea List to view the products you’d like to add comments to.
  3. Click “Edit List”
  4. Click on the Idea List you want to edit.
  5. Click on the speech bubble in the upper right corner of the product.
  6. Type in your comment and hit save. (140-character limit)

To learn more, review our “Use Idea Lists to categorise your storefront” article.

How to upload your Shoppable Photo

From Amazon’s Shopping App:

Sign in to Amazon’s Shopping App using the e-mail address associated with your Influencer account.

  • Open the Amazon shopping app.
  • Tap the icon on the bottom navigation bar that looks like a person.
  • Scroll to the ‘Your Account’ section (Note: You must be logged into the Amazon account you used to sign up for the Amazon Influencer Programme)
  • Tap the ‘Create Content’ button to publish a Shoppable Post (video or photo)or Idea List.
  • Tap ‘Post (video and photo)’.
  • Choose ‘Photo Library’ to upload a photo or ‘Take photo’ to take a new photo.
  • Preview your photo, confirm your choice to begin upload, and then select ‘Next.’
  • Tag up to 15 products featured in your photo.
  • Use your idea lists, order history, browse history or search Amazon to find products to tag in your photo.
  • Tag a product by tapping on the check box on the top right of the image. Change the colour or version of the product you are tagging by tapping on the image and using the buttons under the product image. Once you have the right one, tag it by tapping on the check box on the top right of the image.
  • To remove a tagged product, tap the check box to uncheck it or tap on the tag icon on the bottom right, select the product you want to untag, and tap on the ‘x’.
  • Once you are done tagging all of your products tap ‘Done’ on the top right. You can always go back and tag more products by tapping the ‘+’ sign on the Edit post screen.
  • Write a caption (just below the photo).
  • Tap ‘Submit post’ to publish your Shoppable Photo.

From desktop:

Sign in using the e-mail address associated with your Influencer account and go to your storefront (e.g amazon.co.uk/shop/yourhandle).

  • Click ‘Create Content’.
  • Click ‘Shoppable photo’.
  • Click ‘Upload photo’.
  • Upload your photo (up to 10MB) and add a description.
  • Tag up to 15 products featured in your photo by clicking on the ‘+’ sign next to your photo.
  • Use your idea lists, order history, browse history or search Amazon to find products to tag in your photo.
  • Tag a product by clicking on the check box on the top right of the image.
  • Change the colour or version of the product you are tagging by clicking on the image and using the buttons under the product image. Once you have the right one, tag it by clicking on the check box on the top right of the image.
  • To remove a tagged product, click the check box to uncheck it.
  • Once you are done tagging all of your products click ‘Done’ on the top right.
  • You can always go back and tag more products by selecting the ‘+’ sign on the Create Post screen.
  • Write a caption (to the right of the photo).
  • Click ‘Submit post’ to publish your Shoppable Photo.

Learn more about creating Shoppable Photos here.

Anytime you share an affiliate link, it’s important to disclose that to your audience.  They will trust you more if you are transparent about where you are directing them and why.  To meet the Associate Program’s requirements, you must (1) include a legally compliant disclosure with your links and (2) identify yourself on your Site as an Amazon Associate with the language required by the Operating Agreement.

To comply with the applicable laws regulations, your link-level disclosure must be:

  1. Clear.  A clear disclosure could be as simple as “(paid link)”, “#ad”, or “#CommissionsEarned”.
  2. Conspicuous.  It should be placed near any affiliate link or product review in a location that customers will notice easily.  They shouldn’t have to hunt for it.

In addition, the Operating Agreement requires that the following statement clearly and conspicuously appears on your Site:  “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”  For social media user-generated content, this statement must be associated with your account.

Associates should also consider the relevant social media platform’s guidelines.  For example, Associates may use Facebook’s Branded Content tool.

For more information, see https://www.asa.org.uk/advice-online/affiliate-marketing.html#image and https://competitionandmarkets.blog.gov.uk/2019/04/30/influencer-marketing-what-you-need-to-know/

Amazon Affiliates Anti-Counterfeiting Policy

Amazon strives to ensure a trustworthy shopping experience for our customers. The sale of counterfeit or inauthentic products (including products that have been illegally replicated, reproduced, or manufactured), is strictly prohibited. When we identify such products we remove these products and take action against the seller that listed the product.

As an Amazon Associate you must not use wording such as “dupe,” “fake,” or “faux” in connection with a brand or knowingly promote counterfeit products or products that infringe the intellectual property rights of others. Failure to abide by this policy may result in suspension or termination of your account, including funds being withheld, and other legal consequences.

Q: Why can’t I use this wording?
Consistent with Amazon’s commitment to protecting intellectual property rights, Amazon does not allow the use of the terms “dupe,” “fake,” or “faux” in connection with a brand name to describe an item. For example, you may describe something as a “faux snakeskin” bag or “fake fur coat,” but you may not promote the sale of a “fake Goodthreads shirt” or “Goodthreads purse dupe” if the item is not produced by Goodthreads.

Q: I’d like to recommend something that’s stylistically similar to my audience (e.g., if you like these Amazon Fashion t-shirts, you’ll also like these). Is that ok?
Yes – you may use the following with your audience: “shop the look”, “inspired by”, “similar to”.

Q: What’s your policy for sellers?
Sellers on Amazon are not allowed to list products that infringe trademarks (including logos), copyrights, or patents, or describe their products in a way that would cause customer confusion or otherwise infringe another person’s rights. Our full Sellers IP policy is provided here, including FAQs about copyrightstrademarks and patents.

Q: What happens when Amazon identifies an infringing product in its store that I have linked to?
As a result of our detection and enforcement activities, Amazon may remove suspect listings. If you link your audience to one of these products, the link will dead-end.

No, you cannot use the Amazon Logo in your content. If you would like to reference Amazon in your content, you should use the written text “Amazon”, or one of the approved banners available here in Associates Central. Make sure to comply with our trademark guidelines when using any of the approved banners. For example, you should not make any changes (such as the colour) to the banners, and only use them when you are including an Amazon product link in your content.

Any information we share with you in connection to the Affiliate Programme including, but not limited to, Onsite Publishing, the Amazon Influencer Program (AIP), and Amazon Live, that is not available to the general public would be considered confidential information, and should only be used for optimising your participation in those programs. Examples are emails we send you in connection with those programs, and (account) information only available to you in Associates Central.

You can share any information that is currently available to the general public, such as information found here and here. As a reminder, you must disclose your connection to our program – see Help content here.

You should not share any information that is not available to the general public. If you have to sign in to your Affiliates or Influencer account to view the information, it means it’s not available to the general public. In addition, all emails we send you are considered confidential and no details shared within an email (unless we tell you otherwise) should be forwarded or shared with an external audience.

Do not include the name of any social media network in your storefront name. For example, “Jen’s Facebook Finds” is not allowed, and should be changed to “Jen’s Viral Finds” or similar.

Do not use Amazon or other Amazon trademarks in your storefront name. For example, “Jen’s Amazon Finds” is not allowed, and should be changed to “Jen’s Favourite Finds” or similar.

Please view our Trademark Guidelines here.

Visit Associate Central for more information about reports

The Idea Hub is a feature that consolidates inspirational promotions, events, deals and product content throughout Amazon. Previously, sourcing content as an associate could be overwhelming with thousands of deals and coupons published every day through an ever-expanding and complex product catalogue. With Idea Hub, influencers will find up-to-date content ideas all in one location within their Associates Central (AC) account. The recommendations cover a wide range of content types, including Amazon’s promotional offers like Best Deals, Deals of the Day as well as curated content covering Amazon programs and subscription services, seasonal/holiday events, gift guides, trends, interesting finds, best-selling/top-rated products, and more.

How do I get started?
To access Idea Hub, go to the navigation bar at the top of your page when you log onto your Associates Central account, and select “Idea Hub” from the drop down menu under “Promotions”. Once you get to Idea Hub, you will have the ability to browse, sort and filter through the content ideas. When you see an idea that interests you, click on the “Get Link” button and copy/paste the link.

How can I influence the recommendations based on my interest and ideas?
To get more relevant inspirations, you are encouraged to provide feedback by clicking on the thumbs up/down buttons displayed under each content idea. This will help Amazon to further improve future recommendations and content rankings.

OneLink gives your international visitors an improved shopping experience by automatically redirecting them from your website to their local Amazon online store. OneLink offers this single solution for more countries than ever before.

OneLink lands members of your audience from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom in their local or nearest Amazon online store from Amazon product links (Amazon.co.uk.au, Amazon.ca, Amazon.fr, Amazon.de, Amazon.it, Amazon.co.jp, Amazon.nl, Amazon.pl, Amazon.sa, Amazon.sg, Amazon.es, Amazon.se, and Amazon.co.uk respectively).

Learn more about OneLink here.

The Mobile GetLink feature allows Amazon Influencers to create affiliate links to product detail pages from the Amazon shopping app from mobile devices. With GetLink, influencers do not have to visit Associates Central to create affiliate links and do not have to rely on desktop link creation.

Where can I find Mobile GetLink?
Mobile GetLink is located in the Amazon mobile shopping app. Download the app and log in with your Amazon Influencer account credentials. Then go to any product page, click the ‘Share’ floating button, and you’ll find the ‘Copy Affiliate Link.’

How do I activate Mobile GetLink?
Mobile GetLink is automatically enabled in the Amazon shopping app when you log in using your Amazon Influencer account credentials.

How do I choose which link to create if I have multiple TrackingIDs and/or StoreIDs?
When you click the ‘Share’ button, you will see your available StoreIDs and TrackingIDs above the ‘Copy Affiliate Link’ button. From there you can scroll to select the StoreID and/or TrackingID you wish to use.

Can I create links for pages other than product detail pages?
Mobile GetLink is currently available only for product detail pages.

Is the Mobile GetLink feature available within the Share button for all product categories?
The feature is available for most product categories *except* these five: eBooks, audible, digital magazines, digital music, and luxury stores.

What countries is Mobile GetLink available in?
Mobile GetLink is available in all Amazon’s online stores except for China.

Which mobile platforms is Mobile GetLink available on?
Mobile GetLink is available on iPhones and Android phones.

Read more about Mobile GetLink here or watch a short video here

The SiteStripe feature allows you to create links directly from the Amazon.co.uk site without having to visit Associates Central. It lets you build links to any page on Amazon, and even share those links on Facebook or Twitter. It also has handy short-cuts to some other useful Affiliate pages.

How Do I Turn SiteStripe On?
To see the SiteStripe you need to be recognised as the Amazon customer corresponding to your Affiliate account. Ensure that you are signed-in to Amazon using your Affiliates account by looking at the top of the Amazon.co.uk page.

If there is no name at the top, click the “Sign in to get personalised recommendations” link and sign-in using your Affiliate account information.
If the name at the top is incorrect, or you are not sure you are using the correct account, select the “(Not )” link (where <username> is an actual account name) and sign-in using your Affiliate account information.

How Can I Change the Settings for SiteStripe?
You can control whether to view the SiteStripe or not from the Settings button on the SiteStripe or by logging in to Associate Central and then going to your Account Settings – Affiliates SiteStripe Options. The SiteStripe Options allow you to control the features that you see on the SiteStripe as well as turning the display of the Stripe on or off.

How Do I Turn the SiteStripe On or Off?
To turn the SiteStripe on or off, simply click to the Settings icon on SiteStripe and choose ‘Turn Off SiteStripe’ option. You can also go to the Account Settings – Affiliates Site Stripe Options section of Associate Central and select the appropriate option to turn the Stripe off or on.

Read more about SiteStripe here or watch a short video here.